Saturday, June 11, 2011

SoundCloud down, Tumblr up to bat

Since working on soundcloud and reaching my goal of getting hits from the site on a more consistent basis. There was a brief dip in my hits from sc simply because during this month I traveled for a bit. Also, one major thing that happened is that they contacted me to tell me that my account was red flagged by their automation sensors based off of my high comment count and my high unfollow count. I slowed it down to just sharing my track with my 850 followers and actually running superfollow very rarely. I probably will do a little unfollowing in the future, but from slowing it down I haven't got any other notice, so I'm pretty sure it's working. I did at max about 600 - 800 actions per day that past 5 days or so. This is what Google has to say:

261 hits from Soundcloud this month is pretty nice, and there's room to grow since I didn't give it 100%. They actually got me more hits than anyone. Facebook is high up there in the list of traffic sources, but I've realized I need to make the download button more prominent on my site so that people know they can dl the tracks. I'm working on that. You'll also notice that first hump, that was when I was going full blast for a day or two on "SuperFollow", but after I got red flagged, I took it easy for a bit. The next two humps come from releasing new tracks, doing just a little bit of superfollow (about 200 follows) and then sharing my tracks with a couple thousand people over a couple days.

In other news, I've been working on getting my tumblr following geared up. I've been working on embelishing the tumblr plugin like I did with the soundcloud plugin and already have a "Mutuality" script. I am working on figuring out the external hits formula for them as I did on soundcloud. The first thing I noticed is that you can post not only soundcloud songs, but you can post any type of media with tumblr posts: Audio/video/text and everything in between. The other nice thing is that you can have a "click-through" link on your images for instance, so I made a "Post Image" script/button in webDOM that will take keywords and a URL and then search through google images, pick a random large image and post it in tumblr with a link back to whatever I want. So I am scheduling that to run throughout the day as to start filling my blog with viral content.

The main function that I notice about tumblr that's really cool is their reblog button. It really makes their content viral because people can so easily share the same exact blog post on their blog. They can also "like" a blog by clicking on the little heart and favoriting things. In the end, I can automate all of this along with friend adding and from my previous experience playing with tumblr, it's not that hard to get 100 - 150 followers per day and there are no follow limits nor any other limits that I've found so far. As far as click throughs to my site, I've gotten about 14 in the last couple days, which can obviously be better. It seems what works best on tumblr are things that are funny or quirky. There also seems to be a much younger crowd on there, but yes, young people are eating up dubstep like nobody's business.

So I'm excited about starting tumblr and figuring out the equation to get people to my site, and I'm continuing automation on SoundCloud as I move on. One site down, 10 more to go, lol!

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