Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back on the Game

This Morning...

It's been awhile since my last blog post. For awhile, I let SoundCloud just go by itself without doing any more SuperFollowing. This allowed me to see the natural "after-flow" of last month's campaign. So far I've gotten a total of 2,391 plays

Today I'm dropping comments on superfollow with a link back to my site directly to see if people will click on the link and maybe I can get more than one hit out of the link, whereas with messages I only get one hit per message. So far Superfollow has worked wonderfully because of the mutuality of it I'm assuming. The down side of it is that I've been makinng comments that just gave a compliment and basically waited for people to come back and click on my website link. That's too much extra work.

Later this evening...

What I did today has already proven to work more efficiently than sending messages. I've gotten 17 visits from soundcloud and 72 plays today so far. The idea of leaving the link in my comments has worked and caused people to come to my site off of different tracks, etc. Tomorrow I'll be able to see the final outcome. I only ran 1,000 and my return ratio doubled the prior one.

I'm also working on another new track so we'll see if it turns out being liked by my target market. I'm up to 990 plays this week, about 300 of those being today. I also have got about 586 subscribers in total and I've run through about 14.5k user Id's from the dub-step category of soundcloud users. I've dabbled with just sharing tracks on some of those, but the SuperFollow custom action on webDOM seems to be the way to go. That mixed with a good spun comment message allows for a very nice result so far and it's looking more promising. I'm going to run another 1,000 while I sleep.

In the next entry I'm going to cover how I will automate the webDOM soundcloud plugin fully by selecting a schedule for unfollowing and following. I've also created a new action in the newest soundcloud update to unfollow people who are not following back. It's called Mutualize.

1 comment:

  1. Mutualize! Still trying to wrap my head around this but it looks tasty.
